We have a regular Creative Movement class which has recently reached capacity. As we have carers present with most participants, it means we have to cap the numbers lower than pre-pandemic. Even as a drop-in class, most participants are there every week and if anyone new were to be interested, we may struggle to accommodate. It is because of this that we are proposing a new weekly class at an external location. It has been shown there is demand from previous participants returning and that is without having to reach out to care facilities to make them aware of the class being available. We believe that there will be many more adults with disabilities in the Aberdeen community who would benefit in taking part in a physical activity, not only to increase their mood, health and fitness level but also their social interaction. The plan is to increase awareness of what is currently on offer and provide a further opportunity with a second class. Our Creative Movement sessions are full of fun and suited to adults who learn at their own pace or who require additional support with learning.