Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

Creative Therapy and Bereavement Support

Type of initiative funded: Counselling


Funding awarded: £5000


Project description:

This project will provide group creative therapy support for those dealing with bereavement as an additional part of their recovery process. The face-to-face drop in café will provide a safe and inclusive space for those who are dealing with a personal trauma to discuss their grief in a secure and supportive settings. The café style will provide the peer support and help reduce social isolation, loneliness and anxiety by the service users participating in creative therapy that will aid their recovery. In addition to these support groups, The Choices team will provide therapeutic counselling sessions for victims of sexual exploitation or relationship violence. We will also provide training and support for carers and relevant practitioners engaging with the target group. We will spend the funding requested on creative therapy support worker salary as well as materials for creative therapy session, venue hire, volunteer expenses, external supervision support for Support workers and volunteers and consumables associated with the running of the above services. The overall purpose of the proposal in to equip those dealing with bereavement especially amongst people living in situations of disadvantage and deprivation to form healthy relationships that are free from coercion and harm.