Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 3 Awardee

Grampian Hospitals Art Trust


About the project

Artroom@AAGM will be a one person-centred session per week delivered in a safe space within Aberdeen Art Gallery with extra support from the AAGM staff. By collaborating with AAGM people will be sign posted to other opportunities delivered by the museums and galleries, encouraging a gentle reintroduction into supported mainstream activities and thereby increasing confidence incrementally and consequently reducing loneliness. Artroom@AAGM will engage with participant’s personal creativity in a safe shared environment helping to pave the way to a new normality. Artroom@ AAGM will be delivered by two specially trained artists who assist people on their own creative journey. Participant’s make their own choices and are in control of their own creativity. Families and carers are encouraged to join giving people connection to those they care for in a meaningful way. Artroom@AAGM is the next step, offering people a secluded place which is based in a public venue where they can enjoy positive relationships, feel socially connected and less isolated.

Type of initiative funded: Culture

Funding awarded: £14565