Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 2 Awardee

Barnardos Young Carers

Adult Support Group - Young Carers Service

About the project

We have developed an Adults Group for both Adult Carers and those who are Cared For due to their physical or mental health as well as substance misuse etc. Although this started as an informal group where they would meet up for a catch-up, they have now incorporated their recommendations into the group of professionals they wish to hear from and activities they wish to take part in. We ran a Winter Wellbeing Event on the 3rd of November on Victoria Street with organisations across Aberdeen to support our families during the winter and with the increased cost of living - equipping them with information required on mental health, budgeting, benefits, bills etc. to manage the winter months. Wellbeing packs with information sharing forms, hand warmers, wellbeing essentials etc are hoped to be funded by this application as well as offering a safe and warm space to come along and get a refreshment whilst hearing from some of the professionals mentioned below.

Type of initiative funded: Peer Support

Key priority area: Addressing poverty & inequality

Funding awarded: £2000