Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 3 Awardee

Ten Feet Tall Theatre Company

Adult Drama Classes

About the project

This grant will support three sets of activity: "Community Group" x 3 terms. A 10 week term of 90 minute drama based sessions. These sessions are fully inclusive and open to anyone from any background. These will be in a city based, fully accessible venue, on good public transport links. This is a development of existing activity which we are keen to continue, free of charge, as they have proved to be a successful part of our work; "Fusion" x 3 terms. A 10 week term of 90 minute drama sessions in our partner community venues. We are working with venues in each of these areas; Woodside, Torry and Cummings Park and will deliver sessions in at least two venues. This project will target the 16-25 age group, and will be fully inclusive. From discussions with partners, this is an age group that they wish to attract to their venues, specifically to offer support around employability, combating isolation & social anxiety and improving self confidence; "Page to Stage" x 3 terms. A partnership with Aberdeen Performing Arts, targeting people over 60 by providing a safe, stimulating and welcoming social activity using theatre based activities, exercises and discussion to combat isolation.

Type of initiative funded: Group Activity

Funding awarded: £14059