Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

ABSA/Feil Graffiti

Spikin Walls

About the project

This project will enable group members, creatives and artists to reconnect – working on a series of murals across the city with a Doric theme.. Artists, photographers, Film crew, site manager, event team and social media influencers are directly involved. The public will see their local culture and language displayed in a public, engaging, and meaningful way; thus, improving the mental wellbeing to. The main mural will be on a large barn located in Kirkhill forest visible from the western peripheral route. This will be of a Giant pheasant with the Doric term SCOWP (to scamper or scurry). Boards will also be delivered to ten artists and paired with Doric speakers/Poets. Together they will come up with an original and innovative design, incorporating street art and Doric. Their work will be displayed in venues in community venues throughout the City.

Type of initiative funded: Group Activity

Funding awarded: £1905