Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

AIMS Social Inclusion Project

Type of initiative funded: One to one


Funding awarded: £3500


Project description:

Our project is aimed at people with multiple sclerosis, several of whom do not have a digital presence as cognitive issues prevent them from following the logical path of setting up a device. Our volunteers make regular telephone calls to people who are elderly and less mobile and who have a fear of mixing due to Covid-19. This is because of multiple sclerosis creating a compromised immune system and they are more susceptible to catching any infections. The calls ensure our service users hear a caring voice and are updated with MS community information. In addition, we send out a quarterly newsletter to keep people updated. For those with a digital presence, we will hold meetings on Zoom for art, crafts, mindfulness, and a social group for chatting and holding a weekly quiz. Volunteers will run the social group and make the telephone calls and contractors are paid to lead the art, crafts and mindfulness at a cost of £145 each week.