We will run 6 Growing and Learning courses (each course is 8 weeks and 2 hours in duration) and 2 Community Garden Training courses (each course is 6 weeks and also 2 hours long). These are established courses developed by ourselves from our Garden Schools education programme (this programme was designed in conjunction with the University of Aberdeen) and cover a wide range of gardening activities, including design, soil, compost, seed germinating, propagation, tending, harvesting and eating. The community garden courses also include a session on things to consider when setting up a new garden in a local community. We have a range of self employed trainers bringing a wealth of local knowledge and experience to this. Whilst we restrict the numbers attending our courses at a maximum of 8 so that attendees have space to interact with the tutor and other people, people share their newly learnt knowledge and interest with others, especially those who come to the community garden training, so numbers benefitting are much larger than 64. We provide booklets, gloves, compost, tools etc. to keep for each attendee and plenty of refreshments. We find that people stay more than 2 hours as they enjoy the company.