Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

Aberdeen Action on Disability

Able to Aid

About the project

Covid 19 has impacted severely on people with disabilities and long-term health conditions, especially people shielding or in the "at risk group, who have been unable to go out, socialise and undertake everyday routine tasks. AAD has addressed this by maintaining regular online group contact with people with disabilities and beginning to arrange group meetings when restrictions eased. This has proved successful, and we would like to expand this in future by providing additional support including a dedicated advice and support service, and meeting costs of transporting individuals to regular meetings in our premises. The funding will expand on existing activities, by offering additional weekly sessions/group meetings in our premises with a wider range of activities for people to undertake. We will also provide advice and information on access to benefits and support services. Activities will include hobbies such as pyrography, photography, computer skills etc. It will also provide transport, including accessible transport, for people to attend the weekly sessions from any part of the city.

Type of initiative funded: Group Activity

Funding awarded: £2905