Support & advice:
Community Asset Transfer
Community Asset Transfer (CAT) is a procedure enabling a community organisation to assume control of publicly-owned land or buildings, acknowledging the public benefits associated with the transfer. Find out more below or get in touch with your questions.

About Community Asset Transfer
The Community Empowerment Act introduced a right for community bodies to make requests to all local authorities, and a range of public bodies for any land or buildings they feel they could make better use of. They can request ownership, lease or other rights as they wish.
The public authorities must transparently assess requests against a specified list of criteria, laid out in the Act, and agree the request unless there are reasonable grounds for refusal.
Here you will find more information about the process of Community Asset Transfer, links to local eligible assets owned by Aberdeen City Council, useful contacts as well as insight from ACVO’s Development Officer, Sandy Mathers.
If you have a question about Community Asset Transfer in Aberdeen you can get in touch with Sandy at
Further information and updates
An introduction to Community Asset Transfer
The Community Empowerment Act introduced a right for community bodies to make requests to all local authorities, and a range of public bodies for any land or buildings they feel they could make better use of. They can request ownership, lease or other rights as...
Useful links for CAT in Aberdeen

Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015: community transfer bodies' guidance
A step-by-step guide for community bodies on asset transfer as part of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 from The Scottish Government

Apply to make a Community Asset Transfer via Community Planning Aberdeen
The application forms required for a Community Asset Transfer in Aberdeen can be downloaded from the Community Planning Partnership website.

Find out more about assets currently owned by Aberdeen City Council which may be eligible for CAT
Below is a link to a list of assets currently owned by Aberdeen City Council, this can give an idea of what is available for Community Assest Transfer
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Well-governed organisations will always find it easier to convince funders to give them money, as well as being more effective at whatever they do.
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Great Western Community Centre: Breathing New Life into a Beloved Space
What was once Holburn West Church has now become a thriving hub for local Aberdeen residents; Great Western Community Centre. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the community and the trust that stepped in to save it, a space which at one point faced closure and an...
Useful contacts and how to find out more
If you know the public body that owns the asset they can be contacted at the addresses listed below.

It should also be noted that Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) are the experts in Community Ownership and every group thinking of taking on a community asset should consult them. They offer excellent training (for community bodies and public bodies) – find out more at

Aberdeen City Council

NHS Grampian

Police Scotland

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

Scottish Fire & Rescue

Scottish Natural Heritage


Forestry Commission
More support
Get support with finding sources of funding, application processes and apply for Scottish Government Funds distributed by ACVO
Find out how to support volunteering within your organisation and advertise your opportunities
Discover ACVO’s finance services and support, priced at competitive rates for the third sector
Well-governed organisations will always find it easier to convince funders to give them money, as well as being more effective at whatever they do.