Come join us for a day dedicated to connecting with others who understand living with chronic pain!
Come along to our Chronic Pain Community Appointment Day – Everyone welcome. Have a chat with our team about “What Matters to You” and take part in an Information and Q&A session delivered by NHS Grampian Chronic Pain Management Team. The Information session will last about an hour and will include:
- The impact of pain
- The impact on pain on your mental Health & Wellbeing
- Pacing & movement – how to move safely with chonric pain
- Medication
- Questions & Answers
After the Session, gain some peer support from other people living with Chronic Pain in our Pain Cafe (refreshments provided), speak to Allied Health Professionals (i.e. Physiotherapy, Dietetician, Occupational Therapists etc) and visit our community partner stalls from various organisations to support your wider health & Wellbeing. This will include:
- Aberdeen Fibromyalgia Support Group
- Aberdeen Action on Disability
- Sport Aberdeen – Good Boost Pain Programme
- Versus Arthritis
- Pain Concern
- University of Aberdeen Pain Research Team
- Nuffield Sport Pain Programme
- Employability Support – Pathways, Working Health Services Scotland
- Department of Work & Pensions
- Mental Health & Wellbeing Support – Penumbra 365, Silvercloud Pain Programme, Sleepio & Dayslight Apps, Link Pracitioner
- Medication Recovery – Alcohol & Drugs Action (ADA), Aberdeen in Recovery (AIR)
- Financial Inclusion & Housing Team – ACC
- Wellbeing Co-ordinators
- Carers Support – Aberdeen Carers Support / Quarriers
- Allied Health Professionals (Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy)
Whilst you are welcome to stay as little or as long as you like, other people who have attended this type of event have suggested that you will get the most our of this session if you give yourself 2 hours. There will be plenty areas to rest and get free refreshments throughout the day.
We would prefer people to book into a time slot to help us manage the flow throughout the day, however drop ins will be welcome on the day. Booking a place will ensure that you get access to the Information Session provided by the NHS Grampian Chronic Pain Management Team.
If you would like more information about this event, please e-mail