EncourAGE is a subgroup of the Community Association - meeting a need to go to the people where it is difficult or impossible for them to come to the Community Centre. We would continue with and develop programmes held in two sheltered housing units for tenants and Inabooters (those living nearby mostly on their own). The activities support those less able; who have lost confidence; who may be dealing with health issues - by providing opportunities to take part in activities and groups. Being involved in activities for older people creates opportunities where appropriate for some older people to take on some responsibility and feel that they are contributing. The Grant would continue to cover tutor costs, volunteer expenses, small pieces of equipment, volunteer training day, minibus outings. All participants make a small contribution to all activities. The Project Worker role is to plan and organise programmes together with tenants and volunteers, recruit, and support volunteers, assist in health and wellbeing opportunities plus related admin duties. Grant would also enable Project Worker (PW) to meet with new tenants to encourage them to become involved in activities.