Alzheimer Scotland are applying for funding to support year 2 of their Aberdeen City Memories Programme, building on the success of year 1 by increasing the range of activities on offer and further developing their fruitful partnerships with several local organisations. The target members of the community who will benefit from the programme are those affected by dementia (the majority of service users), older people and those affected by social isolation, loneliness, mental health issues, reduced mobility and other conditions. Activities will be delivered by experienced volunteers, with staffing input as required, in a number of relaxed and welcoming settings throughout Aberdeen, centred around the stimulation of sporting and social history memories as a form of reminiscence therapy. By partnering with other organisations Alzheimer Scotland have designed a fully-integrated programme which covers a wide range of interests. A key element of the programme is to provide a break for carers, whether family, friends or professionals, and it was interesting to note as year 1 progressed how those people bonded and formed friendships both during and outwith the activity periods.