Communities Mental Health

& Wellbeing Fund 

Year 4 opens for applications September 25th 2024

The Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund is back for a fourth year!

The Scottish Government announced Year 4 of the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults in March 2024.  The Fund will continue to support community-based initiatives – new and existing – that promote and improve mental health and wellbeing by addressing social isolation, loneliness, suicide prevention and tackling poverty and inequality.

The Fund is focused on supporting initiatives that will enable them to drive a shift across mental health to ensure a focus on prevention and early intervention.  The fund also seeks to respond to the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

ACVO TSI has distributed almost £2 million of grant funding across the city.  These grants – large and small – have supported 223 community-based initiatives that are promoting and improving mental health and wellbeing by addressing social isolation, loneliness, suicide prevention and tackling poverty and inequality.  ACVO has seen and reported on the transformational impact the Fund has had across the City; and alongside TSI colleagues, advocates for the fund to continue for many years to come.

ACVO is again delighted to be managing the distribution of £565,039.00 in Year 4 of the Fund across Aberdeen City.

The application form will go live on this page on Wednesday 25th September

In the meantime, you can download the application guidance notes below to find out more about the funding criteria, application process and key dates.