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Want to keep up with the latest from Aberdeen’s third sector?

ACVO News September 2024

Read ACVO News – our monthly free digital magazine with updates, opportunities and highlights for and from Aberdeen’s third sector

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Mar 3, 2023

The March 2023 edition of ACVO News is out now!

Want to discover how charities, the voluntary sector, community organisations, social enterprises and more work to support, enrich & celebrate Aberdeen?

Read the March 2023 edition of ACVO News to discover the latest from our sector – available now via our online e-reader at

In the March 2023 edition of ACVO News we feature coverage of a family fun day hosted for displaced Ukrainians by Aberdeen King’s Church, a look back at a year of success from the Denis Law Legacy Trust, catch up with Mike on the Mic for a closer look at the new season of ‘So Why Don’t You’ on shmu FM and much more!

Every month, ACVO News highlights opportunities and news from the Third Sector in our city.

Sign up for free, read and contribute – these are your stories, your news and we are delighted to welcome you to the community.

Find out more and read past editions at

More news from Aberdeen’s third sector