Volunteers' Week 2022

Volunteers’ Week is a time when volunteering involving organisations are encouraged to thank and celebrate their volunteers, past and present.

The Volunteers’ Week campaign started in 1984, which means this year marks the 38th year of formally saying a huge ‘thank you’ to all volunteers across the country

Volunteering in Aberdeen

Are you one of the thousands of people who volunteer in Aberdeen each year? This Volunteers’ Week, ACVO and Volunteer Aberdeen want to say a huge thank you for all you do!

Our city’s volunteers make a huge positive impact on lives and communities around Aberdeen and there are so many ways to get involved!

There are hundreds of opportunities available now at Volunteer Aberdeen – discover how you can make a real difference today!

Did you know that in Aberdeen…

Opportunities available at any one time

People volunteer each year

Hours volunteered each year

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Mike Melvin, Volunteer Services Manager at ACVO shares a Volunteers’ Week message for volunteers in the city and around the country.

Aberdeen’s Third Sector says thank you…

Read messages from people who work with volunteers in the city everyday and see first hand the amazing contributions they make

“When you reflect on the efforts of volunteers here in Aberdeen, it makes you so proud of our people and our city. Our voluntary sector will be absolutely crucial as we move forward from the pandemic and those folks who have gone above and beyond for our communities over the past few years deserve every single plaudit and message of gratitude that comes their way – thank you to you all.”

Kevin Stewart MSP, Aberdeen Central

"We simply would not be where we are as a city if it were not for all the volunteers who put in hundreds of hours throughout the year to make a positive difference to our communities and the lives of others and for that they must be commended. Volunteers do a massive amount of work, which can sometimes go unnoticed, so I am incredibly pleased to be able to recognise all that volunteers across Aberdeen do on this years Volunteers Week."

Jackie Dunbar MSP, Aberdeen Donside

‘On behalf of the board of ACVO, I would like to thank all of Aberdeen's wonderful volunteers who give so selflessly for the charities, organisations, community groups, and causes of our city. You all generously give others your greatest asset, your time, and in doing so you make such an important and profound impact on the lives of so many people across Aberdeen. To me, you are Aberdeen's greatest asset, and the board of ACVO thank you all for making such an important difference to the lives of thousands of our citizens

Paul O’Connor MBE, Chair of ACVO

‘On behalf of all of the team at ACVO, I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in volunteering in the city throughout the year. Without your support, our work would be so much harder and less fun. You have brought fantastic skills and enthusiasm which have made a difference to the lives of many in the city.’

Maggie Hepburn, Chief Executive ACVO

Volunteers Week is the perfect time to say thank you to all the tremendous volunteers in Aberdeen and across the country who provide so much help, support and make such a positive difference for people and communities. Along, with all the great volunteer involving organisations in Aberdeen, ACVO is delighted to join in national Volunteers Week and say a big thank you to all volunteers in our fantastic city for all you do. Thank you volunteers.’

Mike Melvin, Volunteer Services Manager at ACVO

Inchgarth community centre relies heavily on the good-will, dedication, and skills of our vast group of 165 volunteers. Without these amazing volunteers, Inchgarth simply cannot provide the essential services and opportunities for the community and those who need us the most. Volunteers are the glue which binds our centre and community together. On behalf of Inchgarth community centre, may I thank everyone past and present, and those yet to join us, for making such a powerful difference.’

Jules Ory, Volunteer Coordinator, Inchgarth Community Centre

‘Thank you to all of our shmu volunteers. Your commitment to our communities and shmu is incredible and makes a difference to so many. Thank you for making shmu an amazing place to be.’

Tracy Ewing, Volunteer Coordinator, SHMU

‘We know people and community groups across Aberdeen did a lot to help out their neighbours and communities in the recent storms and bad weather, and during covid in the last couple of years – from a simple check on elderly neighbours, to fetching shopping, or helping to grit pavements. However you have helped – thank you, it is really appreciated by ourselves and partners such as Police Scotland, Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership, and SSE. Thank you!

Fiona Mann, Emergency Planning, Resilience & Civic Lead, Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeen City Community Resilience Working Group

Grateful is an understatement. We are thankful beyond words for what our volunteers have done and continue to do for Abernecessities and the children across our city and shire. It truly is because of your unwavering dedication that our work is possible - we would be lost without you all. The passion and kindness we see in each and every one of our volunteers is truly inspiring. Our volunteers are the backbone of our operation and you deserve to be celebrated every day. From the bottom of our hearts - thank you.’

Michelle Herd and Danielle Flecher-Horn, Founder, Abernecessities

‘Advocacy Service Aberdeen would like to take this opportunity during Volunteers Week to thank all their volunteers, past and present, for the time, dedication and commitment they have given to the service. It really does make a difference! Last year the volunteer team contributed a collective 481.5 hours to the service.’

Joanne Grant, Volunteer Co-ordinator/Advocacy Worker, Advocacy Service Aberdeen

‘A huge thank you to our wonderful volunteers who have truly stepped up to help vulnerable clients. Supporting clients to remain independent in their own home, providing transport to get to essential appointments and assisting with shopping are just a few examples of the support our volunteers provide. Always with a friendly smile and a chance to chat our volunteers can brighten up someone’s day. We look forward to continuing to work with our family of dedicated volunteers. Happy Volunteers Week!’

Karen Fong, Service Manager, RVS – Royal Voluntary Service

‘On behalf of everyone at Denis Law Legacy Trust and our Streetsport programme, we want to say a huge thank you to all of our fantastic volunteers. Each and every one of them are vital to the success of what we do and for them to dedicate so many hours to us and the young people of Aberdeen is simply amazing.’

Lewis Walker, Denis Law Legacy Trust

‘Thank you to all of our volunteers, new and existing, for being such a vital part of our service. Our ever-growing service relies on the amazing support of our befrienders, group and event volunteers, and you are all so adaptable to the change that happens so often. As we continue to rise out of the pandemic, we look forward to seeing you all and catching up together. Thank you for the support you give to the young carers in Aberdeen City, and the joy you bring to them, and the experiences you share with them.’

Jacqui and the whole Barnardo’s Aberdeen Young Carers Team

‘Future Choices has been running now for 14 years and at the heart of the success is down to the incredible and dedicated team of volunteers. We couldn't do what we do without our volunteers. In my experience, most volunteers in general don't look for recognition or any awards or special treatment purely because they think, them doing what they do is enough but it's vital that all our volunteers contributions are recognised through National Volunteers Week because they do matter as without them, nothing would happen. We say it every year simply because we sincerely mean it - THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS.’

David Forbes, Chair, Future Choices

‘Volunteers week is the perfect opportunity to take a few moments to thank and encourage all volunteers across the city. Community Councils are active within their local communities making them a better place to live and work. They are involved in a variety of projects including care packages for those in need, festive lights, community gardens, litter picks, community paths, planters/hanging baskets and rarely do they get the thanks or credit for this important work. During the pandemic, community councils joined other volunteers to make sure that fellow residents were safe and had the supplies that they needed.'

Karen Finch, Community Council Liaison Officer

‘This Volunteer Week I'd like to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to each and every one of our wonderful volunteers! They are the backbone of everything we do at Aberdeen Arts Centre and we truly couldn't open our doors every night without them. The commitment, hard work and enthusiasm every member of our volunteering team gives us is so appreciated and after a difficult couple of years due to Covid-19 restrictions we're so excited to continue to welcome audiences back to our community focussed venue together!

Stephanie Walls, Volunteer Coordinator, Aberdeen Arts Centre

‘We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our wonderful team of volunteers. Their commitment, drive and enthusiasm helps to keep the wheels of Somebody Cares turning on a daily basis. They fill many roles and offer many skills, and always with a sense of team spirit. They are the essence of Somebody Cares and contribute greatly to the client experience, we quite simply couldn’t do it without them. Happy Volunteers Day to all who volunteer their time to help us help our city.’

Alison Topley, Chief Operating Officer, Somebody Cares SCIO

‘We have a fantastic group of volunteers at Bonnymuir Green Community Trust and we cannot thank them enough for their enthusiasm and commitment. Whether they help out in the garden or with the apiary, serve in our volunteer run café, sit on the Board of Trustees, do odd jobs, provide baking or help track visitor numbers, they are all vital to the running of the project and we appreciate every one of them. Volunteers Week is a chance to express our gratitude for all that they do and celebrate their amazing contribution.’

Liz Brown, Centre Coordinator, Bonnymuir Green Community Trust

‘None of what has been accomplished thus far would have been possible without the efforts of our brilliant and enthusiastic band of volunteers. FRESH Community Wellness SCIO give a massive thank you to everyone who has played a part so far. So, thank you again to all of our volunteers during Volunteers Week!

Sam Raion, Chairperson, FRESH Community Wellness

Watch our Volunteers' Week films

The ACVO team love going out to see volunteers in action around the city! Watch our two latest films, produced for Volunteers Week 2022, where we take a closer look at volunteers at Greyhope Bay and the achievements of Ryan Bannerman, a young volunteer who was recently awarded with a 500 hours of volunteering Saltire Certificate.

Mike’s Community Visits

As part of Volunteers’ Week our Volunteer Services Manager, Mike Melvin visited organisations around Aberdeen to say thanks to volunteers in person, hand out certificates of achievment and some pin badges from Volunteers Week Scotland!

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