to find out more about The Promise in Aberdeen, contact

Gette Cobban

Senior Development Officer (The Promise)


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May 3, 2024

May update from Gette Cobban –  Senior Development Officer (The Promise), ACVO TSI

It’s been another hectic month and it’s been great catching up with a wide variety of third sector organisations. It never ceases to amaze me just how many organisations are delivering such great support for children, young people and their families.”

Sunrise Partnership

One of this month’s highlights for me was meeting with Sunrise Partnership – you can read more about this in our May Promise article on page 24 highlighting the great work they do.

Please take some time to have a read through, it’s a great example of how The Promise is behind so much of the work we do and reaches many people. I remember working with the Sunrise Partnership founder Eileen Wheeler when she worked at CLAN. Such a lovely lady with such a desire to help children and young people understand and cope with the losses in their lives.

The Promise celebration event in Aberdeen Town House 14 June

We are delighted to announce that we will be holding a special Promise Event on Friday 14th June in Aberdeen Town House to celebrate and highlight the progress local organisations are making towards meeting the aims of The Promise.

We are grateful to the Lord Provost for welcoming us to the Town House and will have a variety of speakers including Fraser McKinlay, CEO of Promise Scotland who will be talking about the delivery of The Promise and giving a sneak preview of the plans for the new 24-30 action plan coming soon. Full details on how to book will be announced in the next week.

The Promise Third Sector Forum

We held our 4th forum meeting on 9th April with over 30 attendees. It was great to welcome Chris & Hannah from Children in Scotland (Supporting the third sector project). It was also great to share the latest news with colleagues around the table too. If anyone is interested in hearing more about the Forum and maybe come along please get in touch and we can have a chat about it. The next meeting is Tuesday 28th May.

Grampian Bereavement Network & SANDS Fundraiser

I have also recently signed up to the Grampian Bereavement Network and have been talking with some of the lovely organisations providing bereavement support for families. I will share news across partners as I gather up to date information. I would meantime mention that SANDS are holding a fundraising Beetle Drive on Friday 7th June at Airyhall Community Centre.

I am currently trying to get a few friends together to attend. Although I have never been at a Beetle Drive, I am told it’s simple! If anyone is interested in coming along here you can book tickets online via

to find out more about The Promise in Aberdeen, contact

Gette Cobban

Senior Development Officer (The Promise)


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The Promise
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New Framework to understand progress towards keeping Scotland’s promise

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