to find out more about The Promise in Aberdeen, contact

Gette Cobban

Senior Development Officer (The Promise)


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Feb 2, 2024

February update from Gette Cobban –  Senior Development Officer (The Promise), ACVO TSI

The Promise Aberdeen Third Sector Forum

Another year starting and I’m sure everyone is now full steam ahead. I have a few updates that I am keen to share with you.

I highlighted our new third sector forum a couple of month’s ago and I thought readers might welcome an update.

The interest in the forum has grown with 46 individuals from 33 third sector organisations linking up on a regular basis.

As well as looking at how the group can increase involvement with the Children’s Services Board and through this impact on community planning the group has been looking at wider issues.

In October we welcomed Rachel Keenan our Aberdeen Promise Delivery Partner from Promise Scotland and we also shared information around current Young Carer’s activity and support in the city.

In December colleagues from Aberlour, Aberdeen Foyer, Action for Children and GREC shared information about their current work with unaccompanied asylum seeking children in the city. We also welcomed James Simpson from Aberdeen City Council to highlight how the third sector could increase involvement in community planning.

The meeting on 5th February will be held at Aberdeen Foyer and we will hear from Dinah Sandoval about their Reboot project currently taking place at Northfield Academy.

The forum is an opportunity for this growing number of members to share their own news and get a chance to know each other better.

We hope through this networking opportunity that relationships and contacts will continue to build. All topics highlighted at the meetings will be at the request of members and we continue to welcome new members going forward.

If anyone would like to talk with me about coming along to the forum just drop me an email Further meetings will take place in April, May, August, October and December.

Finally, a thank you to VSA, Four Pillars and Aberdeen Foyer who have kindly acted as hosts for these first meetings. A comfortable setting with coffee/tea & biscuits provided is greatly appreciated.

Improving outcomes for children & inspiring Dads & families with Dad’s Rock

I had a lovely meeting in mid-January with Maddy Welsh from Dads Rock.

This was a new organisation for me and it was great to hear about the work they are doing supporting Dads at that pre & post-natal time.

We all know what a challenge it can be becoming a new parent for the first time with all the excitement yet still moving into the unknown.

Maddy told me that the charity started with two local Dads getting together and setting up a Dads and kids playgroup, setting up something that they themselves felt comfortable with and as it grew welcomed new Dads encouraging them to come along.

The group grew from that one playgroup and Dads Rock now offers a variety of important projects. Many of their projects are in the central belt area but important for Aberdeen is that they offer an online peer support service for new Dads and Dads to be.

Volunteer peer supporters who are parents themselves, a mix of men & women, are matched with a “new” Dad and they meet online for six, 1-hour, 1:1 chats answering any questions, listening to any thoughts, worries or concerns. Someone to talk to who’s “been there” and knows how this new time can feel.

Maddy was telling me that she would love to increase the number of referrals from Aberdeen and also the number of volunteers.

All volunteers go through a course of preparation with Maddy and have a PVG check.

If you would like more information about accessing the service or becoming a volunteer have a look at their website and/or get in touch and have a chat with Maddy at

Other updates

Regular readers might remember that I highlighted The Promise recommendations for change to the Children’s Hearing System a few months ago. I thought you might be interested to read both the Scottish Government response and Promise Scotland’s position statement on this.

You can read the responses on The Promise Scotland website.

Finally, I wanted to highlight the upcoming safeguarding training available for multi-agency staff from February to July 2024. To book a wide selection of training click on the following link: Events | Aberdeen City Council

to find out more about The Promise in Aberdeen, contact

Gette Cobban

Senior Development Officer (The Promise)


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