to find out more about The Promise in Aberdeen, contact

Gette Cobban

Senior Development Officer (The Promise)


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Dec 6, 2023

December update from The Promise in Aberdeen: Devising Plan 24-30 Together

Gette Cobban, Senior Development Officer (The Promise) at ACVO TSI details the latest happenings from The Promise Scotland and how your organisation in Aberdeen can get involved.

The Promise: Devising Plan 24-30 Together

Fiona Duncan, Chair of The Promise Scotland has published an outline of the work needed so that the The Promise Plan 24-30 can be devised co-operatively.

The timeline is divided into three phases between now and June 2024 to understand, create, check and publish Scotland’s plan to #KeepThePromise.

In June 2023, Fiona, as Independent Strategic Advisor, revealed her role in shaping Plan 24-30. The plan succeeds Plan 21-24, acknowledging that not all goals from the previous plan will be achieved on time. Plan 24-30 becomes pivotal, demanding meticulous sequencing, prioritisation, and acceleration of efforts. Fiona emphasised collective involvement in crafting the plan, highlighting the necessity for engagement from the care community and organisations instigating change. Continuity is stressed, with a thorough evaluation of Plan 21-24 influencing Plan 24-30.

Fiona has committed to transparent communication by sharing the plan’s approach and timeline, divided into three phases starting with broad engagement. Core principles for Plan 24-30 were introduced, refined through feedback, emphasising a commitment to the care community and a flexible, milestone-driven approach. The plan aims to #KeepThePromise by 2030, with a robust monitoring framework ensuring accountability.

Fiona outlined a careful transition from Plan 21-24 to Plan 24-30, underscoring clarity and support for those working towards change. The core principles will persist at the plan’s core until its fruition. The final publication is set for June 2024.


ICYMI‘How public debt and arrears are experienced by low-income families’: a report from Aberlour

In case you missed this earlier in the year when it was published, I would like to draw your attention to “How public debt and arrears are experienced by low-income families”, a report of research commissioned by Aberlour and carried out by Professor Morag Treanor from the University of Glasgow.

The study, delves into the consequences of debt, including Council tax and rent arrears, perpetuating a cycle of financial hardship. Focused on school meal debt and Universal Credit recipients, the research underscores the alarming debt crisis faced by vulnerable families, revealing the struggle to meet basic needs amid insufficient income.

Reflecting on findings from the research, Professor Treanor said: “Public debt is pulling people further into poverty and holding them there. On top, the cost of living crisis is stopping families from helping each other – poverty is becoming wider and deeper. Action is needed to prevent poverty becoming endemic in Scotland.”

The report can be downloaded from the Aberlour website via

This article originally appeared in the December edition of ACVO News, you can read the magazine and subscribe below. All past editions are available to read at

to find out more about The Promise in Aberdeen, contact

Gette Cobban

Senior Development Officer (The Promise)


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