to find out more about The Promise in Aberdeen, contact

Gette Cobban

Senior Development Officer (The Promise)


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Dec 20, 2023

2023 End of Year Message from Gette

Gette Cobban, Senior Development Officer (The Promise) at ACVO TSI, shares her end of year message and invites you to watch a thought-provoking rap performance from care experienced young person Aidan Chalmers.

Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and before I go and start eating all the fine Christmas food I wanted to share something with you.

I was lucky to be invited to the ACE (Aberdeen Care Experienced) network’s Christmas Lights event on 4th December and was made very welcome.

During the event Aidan Chalmers shared a really thought-provoking rap. His Christmas message really struck a chord and I think says something that we all want to consider. Please take a look at both a recording of his performance and also a copy of his words which you can read below.

Aidan performed at the ACE (Aberdeen Care Experienced) network’s Christmas Lights event which was attended by young people, carers, Corporate Parents and members of the Champions Board.

The ACE network is made up of care experienced children and young people, key Corporate Parents/Champions and serves as a vital bridge, connecting these young people with resources, support networks and opportunities to influence leaders and services in and around care.

Aidan has a keen interest in utilising his creative skills to highlight the impact of poorer mental health on the care experienced community. He writes prose, lyrics and arranges accompanying music. Aidan’s words resonate deeply and highlight the importance of our collective efforts to support and love our children and young people, improving their experiences of care and beyond.

He is keen to access opportunities to take the collective message of support to a wider audience – if anyone reading this can support creative opportunities for Aidan, please get in touch with any offers and we will reach out to him.

His perspective provides valuable insights into the support and care our children and young people need from us to thrive and highlights areas where we can continue to enhance our efforts.

Thanks Aidan for agreeing to share this via ACVO, we really appreciate it.


Y’all listen up I got a message to share. From a care-experienced youth who’s been through the despair.

It’s Christmas time, but for some, it’s a struggle, trying to survive, in a system that’s a puzzle.

I’m speaking for the ones in the care of the state. I’m navigating life, facing challenges, it ain’t great.

But I’m here with a plea, from the heart I’m spittin’. To the senior managers, let’s make a better mission. 

This Christmas, let’s unite, make it right, for the kids in care, let’s shine a light. 

Senior managers, hear our call. Give us the resources, break down the wall. 

We’re the Champions Board, rising strong, but we need your support, won’t you come along?

In the boardroom decisions, power and might, but remember us, the kids, in the cold of the night.

We need resources, not just for show, Invest in our future, let our potential grow.

Education, health, and a stable home, Give us a chance to stand on our own.

This Christmas, let’s unite, make it right, For the kids in care, let’s shine a light.

Senior managers, hear our call. Give us the resources, break down the wall.

We’re the voices unheard, but our dreams are loud, in the system, but we’re breaking through the crowd.

We’re the future, don’t let it slip away. Invest in us now, let’s brighten our day.

I’ve been through the struggles. I’ve felt the pain, but I won’t give up, I’ve got dreams to attain. 

To the senior managers, in your seats so high, open up your hearts, hear our battle cry. 

This Christmas, let’s make a change, for every child in care, life’s rearranged. Resources and love, that’s what we need, To succeed in life, let our spirits be freed. 

This Christmas, let’s unite, make it right, for the kids in care, let’s shine a light. 

Senior managers, hear our call. Give us the resources, let’s break down that wall. 

So here’s the message, loud and clear. From a care-experienced youth, there’s no need to fear.

Let’s work together, make a brighter way. This Christmas, let love and resources stay.

Wishing you all the best for the remainder of the year and I look forward to what 2024 will bring for children, young people and families with our continued work with The Promise.

to find out more about The Promise in Aberdeen, contact

Gette Cobban

Senior Development Officer (The Promise)


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