**Please note – as of Friday 19th May this fund has now closed for applications, thanks to all who applied! Look out for news of those who benefited from the fund coming soon!
ACVO is delighted to announce that £14,000 has become available for sheltered housing in Aberdeen to apply for grants of up to £2000 to support activities which aim to alleviate social isolation and loneliness and by bringing residents closer together.
Although the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund has closed, £14,000 of funding, which was initially allocated via Community Commissioning to support the older population, has become available. ACVO has taken the decision to distribute this money to sheltered housing in the city with a focus on facilitating activities for residents.
ACVO would therefore like to invite sheltered housing in Aberdeen City to consider applying to the fund for a grant of up to £2000 to support activities which bring people together and alleviate loneliness and social isolation.
Examples of activities that could be supported by grants include day trips, arts and crafts, music and dancing – however please do give residents the opportunity to put forward their own ideas for activities that they feel will promote better mental health and wellbeing outcomes for all within their own community.
The overarching aim of The [Scottish Government] Fund is to support grass roots community-based initiatives that promote and develop good mental health and wellbeing, and/or mitigate and protect against the impact of distress and mental ill health within the adult population.
The fund can support:
- Equipment
- One-off events
- Hall hire
- Training costs
- Transport costs
- Volunteer expenses
- Staff costs
Unconstituted groups can apply, and where a group does not have access to a bank account, then alternative constituted groups or organisations would be allowed to hold a grant for them by completing a simple letter of agreement.
The application form is short and easy to complete. However, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Funding Officer, Claire Shaw (email claire.shaw@acvo.org.uk), if you need any help completing the application online, have any questions, or would like the banking letter of agreement to send to another organisation. Claire is there to help and understands that you may never have applied for funding before.
Please be aware that grants will be allocated on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis, so don’t delay applying or emailing Claire if you need to.
Find out more and apply at acvo.org.uk/smallgrants