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Jan 26, 2023

Denis Law Legacy Trust And Foundation 92 Twin Cruyff Court Operations

Denis Law Legacy Trust and Foundation 92 are twinning their Cruyff Court Operations in a move that will provide a range of positive destination activities for young people in Aberdeen and Salford. 

Volunteer exchanges are a key benefit of twinning Cruyff Court operations that would see individuals in Aberdeen and Salford switch places to experience new cultures, people and places.

In addition, the partnership opens the door to having Foundation 92 led programmes in Aberdeen and the Trust’s flagship programme Streetsport, which is ran in partnership with the Robert Gordon University, taking place in Salford.

At a well-attended media event last week, Tom Hutton, Head of Foundation 92, announced the start of construction of their first Cruyff Court, set to be named “Cruyff Court Class of ‘92” and based in Little Hulton, Salford.

He was supported at the event by Mark Williams, Chief Operating Officer at Denis Law Legacy Trust, who gave insight into the positive impact of Cruyff Courts on disadvantaged communities in Aberdeen.

Denis Law Legacy Trust, in partnership with the Johan Cruyff Foundation and Aberdeen City Council, established the successful Cruyff Court Denis Law and Cruyff Court Neale Cooper in the city, with Cruyff Court Willie Miller on the way later this year.

The floodlit, multi-purpose sport courts are free-to-access facilities and have helped reduce anti-social behaviour in the areas they operate. In Torry Aberdeen, since the building of Cruyff Court Neale Cooper in 2019 anti-social behaviour rates in the area have been slashed by 50%.

On the twinning, Tom Hutton said:

“I’m pleased to announce Cruyff Court Class of ‘92 is going to be twinned with Cruyff Court Denis Law. Two courts side by side, different cities, often with people facing the same challenges and barriers.”

“In addition to that, we are going to be launching over the next month or so, some really exciting projects to help broaden horizons for young people and provide new opportunities.”

“There will be an exchange programme where the volunteers can go and try new things, see new sights, go up and see the wonderful North-sea coastline in Aberdeen and the young people in Aberdeen can come down to Greater Manchester to see Salford and the amazing football stadiums in the area!”

Mark Williams added that “we have seen first-hand the tremendous benefits that Cruyff Courts bring to communities in Aberdeen and we are delighted that, thanks to our friends at Foundation 92, young people in Salford will soon experience those positives too.”

“The twinning of Cruyff Court operations with Foundation 92 is something truly transformative that will open up so many doors to young people in both Aberdeen and Salford.”

“From volunteer exchanges that enable individuals to experience new activities and places to having Streetsport sessions down in Salford this exciting partnership will give plenty of opportunities to young people, who otherwise may not have the chance.” To find out more about the partnership, visit Denis Law Legacy Trust’s website for their latest news:

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