Registration is now open for the 2024 Celebrate Aberdeen parade, the event which showcases the enormous contribution that charities, voluntary groups, and social enterprises make to life in North-east Scotland.
This year’s parade down the city’s Union Street will take place on Saturday, August 31 with thousands of people representing around 150 organisations expected to part, watched by thousands of spectators.
Organised with support from Aberdeen City Council the parade, which was first held in 2011, brings together an eclectic and inclusive group of third sector organisations, cultural organisations, youth groups, sports clubs, and music, dance, and entertainment groups.
Registration for this year’s event is open until Friday, June 28th
“The organisations which take part in the Celebrate Aberdeen parade make a huge difference to lives right across the North-east of Scotland, and the event is an opportunity to acknowledge the rich diversity of these groups and the work they do,” said Celebrate Aberdeen volunteer Emily Findlay.
“Watching them progress along the parade route is a spectacular sight, filled with colour, music and pure joy and it’s a truly uplifting experience for those taking part and for the spectators.”
Organisations which took part in last year’s Celebrate Aberdeen Parade have until Friday, May 3, to submit an application to be considered for a £1,000 donation to support their work. The funds come from the collecting buckets carried by volunteers during the parade and every year, one organisation is selected as the recipient.
Planning is also in progress for the Celebrate Aberdeen Awards in October, a gala event which recognises and pays tribute to the positive impact individuals, volunteers and organisations in the third sector makes to thousands of lives across Aberdeen City and Shire.
Now in their fifth year, the awards recognise some of the exceptional people who go above and beyond to make a real difference to other people’s lives. Hosting the event is completely reliant on the financial support of sponsors whose generosity ensures the finalists and their guests attend the event for free, so no one is barred from attending because of cost.
The Union Street mile races, which immediately precede the parade will also return for 2024. Organised in association with Celebrate Aberdeen by Myles Edwards of the Gathimba Edwards Foundation (GEF), the race was renamed Mel’s Union Street Mile, in memory of Myles’ dad Mel who passed away in 2019.

Application for the races, which cover three age groups from primary school to adult, will open on the GEF website on Tuesday, April 2. Due to the tight timescale, entrants must be able to complete the mile in under 11 minutes.
Aberdeen Lord Provost, Dr David Cameron said: “Celebrate Aberdeen is an event I look forward to every year as it truly showcases the best of Aberdeen. Union Street is filled with vibrant colours and fabulous energy when the parade makes it way to the Castlegate and it is always a wonderful sight to see.
“Supporting all the voluntary organisations across our city is vitally important because the work they do within our communities is not only incredible but also crucial for all the people who rely on the organisations for support with their day to day lives – Celebrate Aberdeen is the perfect opportunity to showcase these organisations we are so grateful for!”
For more information and to register for the Celebrate Aberdeen Parade visit
To find out more about sponsorship opportunities for the Celebrate Aberdeen Awards please contact Morven Mackenzie at or on 07855 526773.
To apply for Mel’s Union Street Mile, part of the GEF Safari Series, visit