Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund
Year 3 Awardee
About the project
Umbrella A Cappella
Umbrella A Cappella
About the project
The grant would enable Umbrella A Cappella to continue to deliver a neuro-incluive community singing group that will promote our aims: To bring people together through the enjoyment of singing as a neuro-inclusive group; To promote wellbeing, build confidence and reduce social isolation. (Music is reported to improve the mental wellbeing of neurodivergent individuals (Leung 2023)); To empower people as performers and young leaders. We have enrolled 3 new young leaders to build their confidence in becoming choir leaders through ACE voices. We will also have an opportunity to raise awareness of neurodiversity and combat stigma and discrimination through the development of our own song created by members.
Type of initiative funded: Group Activity
Key priority area: Addressing poverty & inequality
Funding awarded: £8948