Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

The Leanne Fund

Get Active Aberdeen

About the project

All our service-users are people with cystic fibrosis (CF) and are classed as extremely vulnerable to severe illness from infection with COVID-19. They have had to shield/self-isolate for much of the past 21 months, maintaining stringent social distancing from others. The strict self-isolation measures in place for individuals affected by CF has meant that many have struggled to cope without seeing family or friends and they have missed the support network on which they would normally rely. Exercise is fundamental in the management of CF and while those with CF were able to exercise safely within their own home environment, they have missed the vital social contact with others which they can get in a gym or class setting. The aim of our project is to encourage individuals to ‘get active’ back in the community. This funding will enable us to provide free direct access to gym memberships, fitness classes, personal training sessions and outdoor equipment, our project will allow adults with CF to improve their lung health while increasing social interaction by encouraging a return to group settings which will reduce the loneliness and isolation that has been overwhelmingly challenging during the pandemic.

Type of initiative funded: Sport or physical activity

Funding awarded: £6600