Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee


Powis Pathways to Wellbeing

About the project

Funding is requested to cover the Salary and On Costs of a part time (1 day per week) Mental Health Development Officer for Powis, Bedford and Sunnybank. This is a partnership between Pathways and Powis Community Centre, reporting to Pathways' Manager and Powis Community Centre's Committee. The Officer will work with the local community to identify the mental health needs of the community, tackling social isolation and deprivation. As part of the role the Officer will deliver Health Issues In The Community (HIIC) courses, bringing together groups of residents to identify issues in the community and develop solutions to those needs. The course supports participants to improve their own confidence, build communication skills and leads to local empowerment.

Type of initiative funded: Counselling

Funding awarded: £7974