Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund

Year 1 Awardee

Aberdeen Care and Repair Group

Care and Repair - Enablement Project

About the project

The community Care and Repair work with are older people, people living with a disability or long-term health problem irrespective of tenure living in Aberdeen City. Our application is for revenue funding to contribute to the cost of an additional 14 hours a week of a Support Officer based within Care and Repair Service to assist older and or disabled people living with mental health, dementia, or a learning disability. This client group have additional support needs and require additional support to facilitate work (repairs/improvements/adaptations) and/or access appropriate services or additional support at the right time. Care and Repair have long established links with other third sector organisations and are a service that specifically works with older and or disabled people irrespective of tenure.

Type of initiative funded: One to one

Funding awarded: £8231