Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund
Year 2 Awardee
Cruse Scotland Bereavement Support
Aberdeen Bereavement Support Group

About the project
The project aim is to set up a new Bereavement Support Group in Aberdeen City Centre for people struggling to cope with loneliness and isolation following a bereavement. Facilitated by fully trained specialists over 12 weeks, people attending the group will be supported to understand their grief and that their reactions are normal. It will bring them together with others with shared experience which will help them make new friendships which they will be able to continue independently of the group after the project has finished. The difference it will make to people in Aberdeen: Improving mental health for bereaved people still experiencing trauma from the impact of Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions on visiting dying loved ones in hospitals/care homes and holding proper funerals; Reducing loneliness and isolation for bereaved people especially those who have lost a long-term partner and are on their own; Reduce risk of long-term mental and health problems which can be caused by unresolved and complex grief. It will also help identify people at risk of suicide; Providing free advice and information for bereaved people worried about paying for funerals or household bills particularly where the main family breadwinner has died.
Type of initiative funded: Group Activity
Key priority area: Social isolation and loneliness
Funding awarded: £7440